Who wants to go to Antarctica with me?

Who wants to go to Antarctica with me?

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Please scroll to the bottom of the page to fill in your expression of interest in Antarctica travel with me next year.

Guys, I have some exciting news. I can barely contain myself. 

One of my biggest dreams has finally come true, and I’ve been offered the opportunity to lead my very own expedition trip to Antarctica on one of my favorite ships, the Ocean Endeavour!

Some girls dream of marriage. Others dream of seeing Paris. Then there are those of us who dream of penguins, of an unforgettable journey to the bottom of the world, far from home and fast wifi (or any wifi). If you dream of experiencing the last true wilderness on earth, straight from an Attenborough doco, here’s your chance.

If Antarctica has been calling you, now is the time to pick up the phone. Like right now.

antarctica travel

antarctica travel

I woke early to bright sunlight streaming in my porthole window the first day our ship landed in Antarctica.

Around 4am in summertime down here you have almost 24-hour daylight. Glancing outside, I could see perfectly still water surrounded by white icy mountains and icebergs, big ones. Rubbing my eyes, I realized I was also seeing dozens of whales swimming around the ship. 

Shrieking, I jumped out of bed, grabbed my parka and my camera, slipped quickly into my gumboots, and ran outside on the deck. As the sun rose dyeing the white mountains and sea pink and gold, I watched as endless humpback whales fed and swam around our ship, even breaching in front of me. Alone with just one or two of the crew, it was the most incredible greeting of my life. 

This is Antarctica.

antarctica travel

antarctica travel

I first stepped on the icy continent almost three years ago on an adventure that changed my life (with my guys at Intrepid Travel – pioneers in responsible travel). Antarctica had been calling to me ever since I was a little girl, and to be able to finally visit was a dream I never thought would be realized. And as someone who has spent the past decade traveling the world pretty much nonstop, let me just tell you, Antarctica takes the cake. 

I would go back in a heartbeat. It’s a place that gets under your skin, a place you’ll never forget. A place of myth and wonder, you have to see it to believe it. Antarctica travel is unparalleled. 

Since my first journey there, I’ve done everything in my power to get back and to educate myself on this incredible part of the world. Every book, every map, every journal about Antarctica, and you bet I either own it or have plowed through it. Nowhere inspires me to tell stories like Antarctica.

I even applied to do a postgraduate certificate in Antarctic Studies here in Christchurch. I want to become a communicator for Antarctica and to share this place with the world in a way that creates positive change.

antarctica travel

antarctica travel

Antarctica is the frontier for climate change. What happens here impacts us all.

Just writing about travel and taking pretty photos isn’t enough for me anymore. I want to really make a change in both policies around conservation and also inspiring my generation to truly give a shit about the natural world.

We live on an extraordinary planet, one I’ve been privileged enough to explore. Above all, I want to do all I can to keep it that way. Antarctica is a powerful place, and I want to be able to share it with people in the hopes it inspires change too.

Antarctica travel is one of those experiences that will change you, in the most amazing of ways.

antarctica travel

antarctica travel

This is why I’m so stoked to announce my latest partnership with Chimu Adventures in offering the opportunity for some of you guys to come with me in 2021 to Antarctica. Are you keen to come with me?

Do you want to see whales in their natural habitat? Are fluffy penguin chicks begging to be featured on your Tik Tok? Do you want to gaze at icebergs more than a kilometer long and walk beneath blue glaciers? Do you want to have an adventure that you will never stop talking about? Of course, you do, silly question!

Chimu and I share the same values in pretty much all areas, from a love of the polar world (obviously) but also around environmental and social responsibility where we live and work by doing all the good we can for our people and planet (and penguins by default). And also they’re part of the Intrepid travel family too.

Sustainability and a long term vision lie at the heart of what Chimu does, and that’s something that must be taken into account when visiting such a fragile and special corner of the globe. 

antarctica travel

antarctica travel

Here’s a taste of what we’ll be up to in Antarctica!

  • Unspoiled wilderness, uninhabited by man, where the penguins, seals, whales and seabirds are the true rulers.
  • Visit the newly-completed $50million International Antarctic Centre.
  • See the historic town of Punta Arenas – the return site for Sir Ernest Shackleton and his men.
  • Discover the top wildlife destination in the world where you can see penguins, seals, whales and albatrosses.
  • Visit penguin colonies, zodiac cruise around glaciers and enormous icebergs.
  • Cross the legendary Drake Passage, scanning for rare and beautiful albatross.
  • Return to the stunning town of Ushuaia for a glacial hike, restaurants and local food.
  • Unspoiled wilderness, uninhabited by man, where the penguins, seals, whales and seabirds are the true rulers.
  • Benefit from a variety of onboard activities including educational lectures on the history, geology and ecology by the expedition team.
  • Take advantage of optional activities during the Antarctica travel voyage such as kayaking and snowshoeing.

antarctica travel

Our expedition to Antarctica will be in November 2021, and we’re taking expressions of interest now – the form to complete is also at the end of this blog post. We’re not taking your money (yet) or requiring any commitment. It’s just to learn more.

And of course, there are exceptional policies and procedures in place for the trip regarding COVID19 which you can scroll through here.

If you’re keen to come to Antarctica with me, please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon with more details! And of course, feel free to email us at hello@youngadventuress.com with questions!

Is Antarctica travel on your bucketlist? Do you want to see penguins in the wild? Spill!

Expression of interest – Antarctica with Young Adventuress

we won’t tell anyone your age.

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or dream occupation

Copy and paste URL: example: http://instagram.com/youngadventuress

antarctica travel

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